One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Hosting
Our guaranteed max reaction time for any client support ticket that you submit or any e-mail that you write is just one hour, even if you contact us during weekends and public holidays. Whatever the nature of your question or problem might be, we’ll lend you a hand right away and will provide you with the needed info to solve any problem with your websites. The real reply time typically does not exceed fifteen to twenty minutes, which goes to say that you can forget about waiting for hours and hours to get a problem resolved or what’s even worse than that – waiting a whole day only to receive a response that more info is necessary whilst nothing’s sorted out. We’ll offer you assistance in a timely fashion because we know precisely how costly time can be in the dynamic Internet world. The 1-hour response guarantee is valid for any billing or technical question that you might have with regard to our cloud hosting.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our client care team members will be at your disposal at all times and they will respond to any trouble ticket that you open through the hosting Control Panel within 1 hour max. The ticket response time is guaranteed no matter if you’ve got a general question connected to your semi-dedicated server or you bump into a certain difficulty and for most issues you won’t have to wait even that long. No matter what the nature of the issue is or what time it is, we will be there to help you, as we are available 7 days a week to tackle any billing, general or technical issue. In case you get in touch with us about anything that’s within our power, we will resolve it before we reply, so you won’t have to wait for hours or even days while the problem perseveres. In case there’s something that you need to do on your end, we’ll supply you with the necessary information – what possible solutions to try out, what steps to take, etc.